Thursday, January 17, 2008

We need more Moms like this

Overheard in my Starbucks office...
To her daughter: "It really doesn't matter if you do well in school."

If more mothers were like this, teaching would be so much easier.*

*I hope your picking up the sarcasm, 'cause I'm laying it on pretty thick!

Monday, January 14, 2008

googling the day away

I had a really productive weekend that included thesis work and house cleaning, but I have been a slug all day today!
I did have a good chuckle at these comments grad students wanted to write on papers, but couldn't.
This makes me ponder what my contributions would be... I did write on a paper "3 inch margins, you have got to be kidding me," but the student didn't come to the last class so she never saw it.
I've always felt like writing, "Congratulations, I've spent more time on this paper than you did."

What are yours?

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Something Clever (thesis edition)

Really there is nothing clever or interesting happening in my life... I've been hold up in Fivebucks drinking coffee and revising the 88 pages that are my thesis. I've got no students to compare my writing to, so I was a little down until I realized I've got no students!

In Fivebucks I did overhear a student from SLACK U talking about his study skills class and his b*tch professor. He wasn't my student, so I wondered which of my fellow TAs was his b*tch professor. Judging from his unrelenting desire to look like a homeless man, I'm guessing there is another side to that story.

In an unrelated note: in my efforts to procrastinate I googled writing a research paper and this image came up:

First, who is writing a research paper with a nib pen?

Second, why is there a leather strap? Maybe for shooting up? Or wrapping around your neck when the perfect synonym escapes you?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Starting the Year Off Right?

The Car-- Dec. 30

The hubby and I got back from a nice visit with my parents at 6:55 pm. We went to baggage claim and retrieved all our bags and walked right on to the shuttle to long-term parking. We got off at 42G (right where hubby told me he had parked). The car is nowhere to be found. So we walked around.... NO CAR. So we walk some more....NO CAR. So we yell and walk through the gravel parking lot dragging 2 rolling bags and a hanging bag... NO CAR.

I finally stop a shuttle and find out that if we know our license plate number the airport can tell us where our car is. I guess we are the only people that don't know our plate numbers. So I call the insurance company... they will know that kind of info, right? NOPE. But they have the VIN numbers.... that probably won't help us out at 8 pm in the dark, cold, unpaved parking lot.

I call parking info for help. They allow 1 of us to drive up and down the aisles looking for our car. Hubby goes. I stay in the shuttle stop and manage to create perhaps the wierdest outfit from Christmas presents: husband's hat and sweater, own purple leather gloves, husband's new gym socks, and own running shoes (thank God I imagined I was going to work out during the vacation).

8:55 Hubby returns sans car. It won't start, battery is dead. I call parking info for help. They eventually come and jump the car.

We finally check out of parking at 9:45 pm.
P.S. The car was parked in 42 H, but in the middle section, not the end section where we were looking.

The Phone-- Dec. 31

Hubby and I go into the city for NYE. Still recovering from the car episode, we get a late start to the train. We arrive in the city around 11:15pm. On the way out of the train station, I realize by cell phone is no longer in my pocket. GREAT.

We walk to friend's hotel room and call the phone. No answer. We call once more. No answer. Hubby calls one more time... ANSWER, in Spanish. Hubby took German in highschool, so he is of no use. I work my magic and arrange to meet them at a train station in another part of the city. 11:40pm Hubby and I catch a cab to said train station.

11:57 We arrive, but they aren't there. I call back and try to give directions to what exit of the trian station I am at. We count down to the new year with the cab driver from Zimbabwe. He was quite dapper in his suit.

12:05 phone arrives!