Monday, June 22, 2009

Phrases You Need for Work

Today on email homepage there is an article about phrases you need to know for work. I'd like to add a personal favorite...

Fu@king the Dog
Definition: slacking off at work; not doing one's work in order to do other things (like a blog post)
Origin: Smalltown, Mississippi (actually one of the few good things to come out of Smalltown, MS)
Other Forms: F'ing the D
Example Usage:
Worker 1: Whatcha doin?
Worker 2: Oh, not much... just fu@king the dog.

1 comment:

academic poser said...

One of my favorites- "Baking a cake." To be used in response to "What are you doing?" when the task you are performing is pretty frickin' obvious.
Example- I'm fixing a paper jam in the copy machine. Jack@ss asks "whatcha doing?" Response..."baking a cake."
Passive aggressive?