Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The End of an Era

So my academic career here in far far west has concluded-today I gave my last final.* In my five years here I got an MA and survived a whole year of professing. I'm not sure which was harder.
I must say I'm feeling rather nostalgic. I don't know if it is the massive amounts of wine I consumed over the weekend with Hubby and SMH (photos to follow) or if I really will miss this place-maybe a little of both.

Nonetheless, I still had a very Southern thought today...
"I kinda feel like crying, but I won't- my eye makeup looks good!"

*I know, I still have to grade them, but still...


auto ethnographer said...

so sad...sniff, sniff. (Makes me wanna cry, too...the grading--yours and mine--and the end of your era in Cali). sniff, sniff

academic poser said...

Aw, now I'm getting all sniffly.