Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Teachers are People Too

"Prof. F did you ever drink when you were in college?"
No. I was locked in a room on campus and only let out to attend classes and go to the library. I never drank or had any fun. All I did was read and write.*

"As the only White person in the class, I think..."
Dear students I too am White and a person.

*Despite the fact that this is currently all I do (plus teaching my little darlings), I did have moments of greatness as an undergrad. I looking forward to their return.


academic poser said...

You also leave your locked room to have coffee. Sure, you probably talk about classes and writing while drinking coffee. Whatever. Beside the point.

participant-observer said...

mocking your students' poor grammar and analytic skills under the guise of getting coffee is completely different than mocking them in my head during class and on my blog while i am "writing"...everyone knows that