Wednesday, February 18, 2009


After a one round of rejections last year, I am happy to report that my first letter was an ACCEPTANCE letter!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day Weekend

The weekend began with a phone interview at top-tier grad program. I honestly have NO IDEA how it went. It was hard to get a read on the outcome (since I've never met the people, couldn't see their faces, and one was foreign). I did my best though, considering I could hear myself in their speaker phone.

Saturday was rearrange the house and get rid of CRAP day. We've been meaning to get on this, but the upcoming arrival of my parents and a new sofa made it a priority this weekend. Thanks to CAD I now have a new (to me) living room futon and a old sofa for the computer room. Hubby made lasagna and we watched a very romantic movie... The Godfather, part II.

The rest of the weekend will be spent reading, playing the interview over and over in my head, and finishing my cross-stitch of a chihuahua.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Yes, from the guy whose probably not going to pass the class...

Some Gems from the first couple of weeks of school....
First, 5 non-traditional students of 48 is too many for one class. They will do their best to derail every train of thought.

One in particular is going to do me in before the semester is over- I'm sure of it.
For your enjoyment....
Episode One:
"How do we find cities [for the map test] we don't know? Do we just look them up."
"Yep..." [you could even use some newfangled technology like an atlas or the world wide web]

Episode Two:
"Can I ask you a question without it hurting your feelings?"
"Will we have videos or games or something besides lecture, because it's kinda boring to just sit here."
"Well, it is a lecture based class [because it is an UPPER DIVISION COLLEGE class]. There will be occasional videos, but mostly lecture."
"Ok. Just wanted to let you know that."