Friday, December 5, 2008


It's course (read Instructor) evaluation day!
Despite my usual level of anxiety at times like these, I couldn't care less. I already got a nice review from a faculty member and don't really care about what the little grade-grubbers think about my book selections.
I, like my students, am done for the semester. I, like my students, am focusing on my own life.
I found a little post on RYS that reinforced the point that essentially these evals. mean little to my future:
"Your responses provide important information we use to evaluate part-time instructors for re-hiring and scheduling of future classes. Although, to be fair, part-timers are so cheap and pliable, that unless you report that your instructors have been sodomizing animals in lieu of lecturing, we'll probably hire them all back and put them in your classes again next semester. It gives a nice break to our real professors who are trying to get ready for tenure and promotion."

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