Thursday, March 13, 2008

Putting It in Perspective

Received first letter (read email) from a school...rejection, but CD reminded me of a very important point, "[school's city] sucks, anyway. It smells like fertilizer."
You're so right!


auto ethnographer said...

And provincial. I know another young blonde (besides CD) who just escaped that town, right before her sanity threatened to leave without her. She's an urbanite, at heart--and so are you. These things matter more than you think. Plus every dept. is full of profs who are embarassed that they don't teach 60 miles to the west. Ack. The crucible of self-doubt and ambivalence as best I can tell.

MP1 said...

It's true. I couldn't wait to get out of there! Now what I want is a job in the wine industry...Can I have your job when you are done??

participant-observer said...

Sure. As long as you don't mind calling 30 or so people a day to schedule interviews and drug screens!